La empresa ha crecido significativamente gracias al compromiso de todos sus empleados, que son su activo más valioso. ALPROEM ve el futuro de manera muy optimista porque han establecido bases sólidas en su cultura, valores y en la estructura de la organización.
Datos De La Empresa
Empresa de servicios completos de construcción que inició operaciones en 1998 con un crecimiento sostenido desde entonces.
Capacidades de ejecución propia de todos nuestros servicios, brindando respuestas más rápidas que cualquier otra empresa en la industria.
Operamos desde una oficina central y taller de fabricación de 10,000 pies cuadrados.
Capacidad para entregar proyectos “turn key projects†a nuestros clientes desde el concepto hasta su implementación completa.
Programa sólido de Salud, Seguridad y Medio Ambiente (EMR = 0.63).
Más de 250 empleados con una distribución equilibrada y una alta tasa de retención (> 90%).
Empresa Certificada como Empresa Minoritaria (Minority Business Enterprise), Zona Hub de la SBA.
Valores De La Empresa
Protección de los Empleados
Nuestros empleados son nuestro recurso más valioso.
Compromiso Ambiental
Protegemos el medio ambiente mediante el uso deliberado de nuestros recursos.
No nos limitamos a hacerlo bien, nos esforzamos por ser los mejores.
Siempre decimos la verdad.
Integridad y Verticalidad
Realizamos todo nuestro trabajo de acuerdo con lo que es correcto.
Justicia y Transparencia
Buscamos obtener una compensación adecuada de nuestros clientes basada en procesos legÃtimos y transparentes.
Ética Profesional
Actuamos de acuerdo con los más altos estándares de nuestra profesión.
Mantenemos un nivel de comunicación óptimo entre nosotros, nuestros clientes y asociados.
Responsabilidad Social
Participamos activamente con integridad en el desarrollo de nuestra comunidad.
Premios Y Logros
ALPROEM ha sido reconocida en múltiples ocasiones por prestigiosas organizaciones en la industria de la construcción por su compromiso con los más altos estándares de servicio, calidad, atención personalizada a los clientes e integridad.
2010 to 2019 – “Distinguished Safety Performance Award”, Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association
2018 - “Excellence in Quality” Made in Puerto Rico – Products Association of Puerto Rico, Inc.
2016 – “Partner of the Year”, Johnson and Johnson
2016 – “Construction Award of the Year”, Made in Puerto Rico; Products Association of Puerto Rico, inc
2016 – “PRMA President's Award for Safety for 2016”, Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association
2016 – “Excellence in Safety Award”, Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association
2016 – “Safety Award”, Amgen
2015 – “Top Ten Puerto Rico’s Largest Construction Companies”, Caribbean Business
2014 & 2015 – “Local Supplier of the Year”, Johnson and Johnson
2012 – “Best Housekeeping”, Pfizer Vega Baja
2008 – “Construction Company of the Year ‘08”, Puerto Rico Sector by the Minority Business Enterprise
2008 – “Service Company of the Year ‘08”, US Northeast Sector by the Minority Business Enterprise
2008 – “Capital Project Partner of the Year ‘08” by Johnson and Johnson Co.
2006 – “First Place” among 32 contractor companies on Customer Survey performed by J&J and Skanska
2005 – “Mechanical Project of the Year” by the College of Engineers and Land Surveyors
Luis A. Ocasio, Partner. Has a Bachelor Degree in Science of Mechanical Engineering (BSME) from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus and Master Degree in Business Administration with a major in Industrial Management from the Interamerican University, Metropolitan Campus. He is a professional engineer, CIAPR active member, Senior Member of the Association of Energy Engineers and a Certified Energy Manager of the AEE. He has over 25 years of experience working at pharmaceutical plants and construction.
Holds a Bachelor Degree in Sciences in Civil Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus and holds a Master Degree in Business Administration from the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus. He is a CIAPR Active member. Has been a team member since January 2011. He has over 10 years of experience.
Holds a Bachelor Degree in Sciences of Civil Engineering (BSCE) from the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico and has over 25 years of experience in the construction industry. He is responsible for the overall direction, coordination, implementation, execution, control and completion of specific projects ensuring consistency with ALPROEM’s total construction solutions strategy, commitments and goals. As a Project Manager he has experience in challenging projects, including Structural Steel structures, Pre-cast panels installation, Keystone retaining walls, all type of concrete formworks, works for Industrial, Public and Federal Government projects.
Ejemplos de nuestra Responsabilidad Social Empresarial:
“Hogar Forjadores de Esperanza” (residence for boys from 10-18 years who have being physically and/or emotionally abused) – we adopted this nonprofit organization and all our employees and management perform a monthly donation to it. We also sponsor special activities for HFE such as the summer working program at our offices and special trips, among others.
Sports Funds – we have established a sports fund to support different sports activities in which our employees’ sons and daughters participate. It is our strong belief that involvement with sports now will create better leaders for our future society.
Fundación Dr. Carlos López Somolinos” (foundation that provides scholarships to social and economically disadvantaged boys and girls) – we actively participate on the Board of Directors and also sponsor scholarships for this nonprofit organization.